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The Siege of Kadenburg Page 18


  The taller female winced, groaning as she lifted her hand to touch the side of her head.

  “Samantha?” Beau was at her side in an instant, reaching his hand out to touch her shoulder before quickly retracting. “You’re burning up! Are you all right?”

  “No,” Sammy replied through clenched teeth as she fell to her knees. “I am not fucking okay. What’s wrong with me?”

  “What’s wrong with her?” Louisa echoed as she gripped Greg’s wrist. “What’s happening?”

  Beau stared at them, dumbfounded. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out as he shook his head. For the first time in her entire life, Louisa realized that Beau didn’t have an answer.

  That couldn’t be good.


  “Anything yet?” Sheriff Holter asked over his radio as he kept his fingers close to the pistol against his hip.

  “The state police are en route to assist with the search, Sir, but they may be delayed by more snow moving into the area,” The dispatcher’s voice replied a few seconds later. “The electric company should have power restored to the town within a few minutes.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” He sighed, releasing the talk button as his dark blue eyes scanned the darkness. They’d been searching for a missing woman for the better part of the day and they hadn’t had any luck thus far. It was nice to hear some good news, at least.

  As determined as he was to find the missing woman, he got the feeling their search wouldn’t end on a happy note.

  If the wolves got her, she’s already a goner, he thought with a frown. Just like Rutley.

  No, he couldn’t think like that. Rutley was okay; he had to be okay. Just because he’d been hanging out with the likes of one didn’t mean he’d….he couldn’t even bring himself to think about it. Rutley was still alive, and human; he had to be.

  “Sheriff, we’ve got some movement over here near the creek,” another deputy stated over the radio. “I don’t know what’s going on but they’re moving fast.”

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” The sheriff muttered, releasing the talk button again before he grabbed his pistol and pulled it free from the holster. The darkness of the night wouldn’t prevent him from hunting down the ones he knew were responsible for the power outage. His deputies weren’t aware of his agenda, and he preferred to keep it that way. The less they knew, the less he had to worry about.

  Sliding down the steep bankside that led to the small body of water, Sheriff Holter’s fingers flexed around the handle of his gun as he listened for movement; they were still here and by God, he was going to kill one of them.

  “Sir, I think I’ve found something,” one of his deputies said excitedly over the radio. “You might want to…holy…what the…backup needed immediately! Hurry! Shit!”

  Sheriff Holter quickly pressed his finger down against the talk button, brows furrowing as he listened to the fear in his deputy’s voice. “Rogers, what is it?” He asked anxiously. His pace quickened as his boots sank into the snow. At this time of night, and given that the sun hadn’t had the chance to touch this side of the mountain yet, the snow was deeper than in other parts of town. At one point, he was certain his knees disappeared beneath the layers of white but who could really say? He had to make it to his deputy—and fast.

  The sound of a male’s scream echoing through the trees caused the blood in his veins to turn colder than the snow around him. That wasn’t a scream of terror, but one of pain. Goddamn werewolves!

  “I’m coming!” Sheriff Holter shouted at the top of his lungs as he kicked it into an entirely new gear. He was getting older, sure, but he could still flat out scoot when he needed to. His legs burned, screaming in protest as he leapt over fallen trees and narrowly dodged a large rock in the process. Holding his flashlight in one hand and his gun in the other, he frantically looked around for his deputy.

  “Kevin!” He called out, his eyes darting back and forth as he tried to catch his breath. “Rogers, where the hell are you?!”

  Another agonized cry sounded off nearby and Sheriff Holter whirled around, the bright beam from his flashlight catching a brief reflection against an animal’s eyes.

  Well, it sure ain’t a fuckin’ dog, he thought as his teeth clenched together. The low growl that followed confirmed his worst fears. His deputy was being mauled by a werewolf.

  “You son of a bitch.” He seethed, lifting his pistol and aiming it for the beast’s head as it came into view again. Rogers was crying out for help, begging for someone to do something as the werewolf’s fangs sank into his shoulder. It was slinging him around like a chew toy. Firing a single shot was all it took. Sheriff Holter hit his target on the first try; right between the eyes.

  The large beast released a small whimper before dropping Rogers from its jaws of death, and then it slumped over. Rogers hit the ground hard and didn’t move. Shit. Was he too late?

  “Rogers!” Sheriff Holter shouted, making his way towards him as he kept his gun at the ready. There would be more, he knew that. If his father had ever taught him anything in life, it was to always expect werewolves to travel in groups. He needed to get the younger male out of the woods as quickly as possible.

  “Rogers.” He repeated, sinking down onto his knees beside him as he rolled him over. He was relieved to hear the groan leaving the man’s lips; it meant he was still alive. But of course…he also knew that meant something else, too.

  He’s been bitten.

  “What the fuck was that?” Rogers asked breathlessly as he allowed his head to fall back against the snow covered ground. “Sheriff?”

  As his eyebrows knitted together, Sheriff Holter began to sift through a list of possibilities. His code rang loud and clear in his mind as he reached down to touch Rogers’ arm.

  “I’m real sorry about this.” He said quietly.

  “Sorry for what?” Rogers asked, wincing from the obvious pain he was in. “It’s not your fault that fucking thing attacked me. I just need to get to the hospital. I think something might be broken…..what are you doing, Sir?”

  The sheriff refused to close his eyes as he placed his gun on the ground calmly, followed by his flashlight as he turned it a few centimeters away from Rogers’ face. His fingers curled around Rogers’ throat, thumbs pressed just beneath his Adam’s apple as he swallowed hard.

  “Sheriff, don’t,” Rogers pleaded in a panicked voice. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m real sorry.” He repeated, tightening his fingers until they started to crush the male’s windpipe.

  Once a man was bitten, he was done for. He was left with no other choice as Rogers kicked his legs frantically, trying to pry his fingers away with his own as he grunted and gasped. The sheriff had to ignore his sputtered pleas. He couldn’t show mercy to a werewolf.

  When Rogers finally stilled, he leaned back on his haunches and sighed. At least it would be one less threat he’d have to worry about. His plate was full as it was.

  “Sheriff!” Another deputy called. “Sheriff, is everything okay?! Where’s Rogers?”

  Quickly reaching for his flashlight and pistol, the sheriff stood again and turned to see a flashlight shining faintly from the top of the embankment. It was Gibbs.

  “I’ve got it under control,” the sheriff shouted back to him. “Just go back and wait for EMS to arrive, Gibbs. Okay?” He couldn’t let anybody see the werewolf, and he definitely didn’t want anyone to see Rogers’ body-at least not yet.

  “I thought I heard Rogers calling out for help, Sir. Is he down there with you?”

  “I haven’t found him yet,” he lied. “Just go wait for the ambulance.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Gibbs replied.

  Once the faint light disappeared, Sheriff Holter turned back around to gaze down at Rogers. He’d been a good kid. He had a girlfriend, maybe. What was her name? He couldn’t remember…..

  I’m sorry.

  He really did need to take care of the werewolf’s
body before EMS arrived. The wolf would be back to its human form by then and how the hell would he explain two bodies in one place? He couldn’t.

  He trudged past the deputy and made his way to where the hideous beast was sprawled out on the ground. It was a solid black wolf, probably male. He shook his head silently, glancing towards the treetops briefly as he got his emotions back in check. One dead wolf, one dead deputy….and one dead missing woman.

  As his eyes drifted back towards the ground, he caught sight of her then. He already knew who she was without getting a closer look. While he’d seen dozens of people shredded to pieces by the monstrous claws of a werewolf, he’d never seen anything like this before.

  She was purposefully tied to the tree. Her throat had been torn open and she’d probably been left to bleed out against the ground. The snow resting against the trunk of the tree was tainted by crimson, and the words so strategically clawed across her stomach caused the sheriff to rethink everything.


  His blue eyes read over the words again as his lungs tightened in his chest. The waves of nausea attempting to wash over him made Sheriff Holter realize something; the people of Kadenburg were in danger.

  Hearing a twig snap nearby caused his head to jerk away from the scene and he immediately placed his finger on the trigger of his pistol, pointing it towards the thick trees as he frowned.

  “Who’s there?” He asked in a lower voice. “Show yourselves, you bastards.”

  As the sirens wailed in the distance, all he heard in reply was the sound of retreat.


  He couldn’t remember running so fast in his entire life. They were nearly a mile away before Rutley stopped, collapsing against an old log near the rushing water of the river. His chest rose and fell with lungful after lungful of air, strange noises escaping him as he squeezed his eyes shut.

  ‘Show yourselves, you bastards.’

  He had been raised to fear his father, though that changed upon his eighteenth birthday. He got the hell out of Dodge and quickly realized his father was the type of man who used intimidation for discipline. If a person scraped away the fatherly image, all they had left was a hunter. An extremely skilled hunter who would stop at nothing to ensure the extinction of werewolves; Rutley had never been more terrified of his father.

  “Hey,” Dimitri was suddenly crouching down in front of him, cupping either side of his face as he frowned. “You okay?”

  When Rutley opened his eyes, they were blurred by tears. He tried to blink them away, but they rolled down his cheeks instead as he shook his head slowly.

  Dimitri’s eyebrows furrowed as he moved closer to him, tilting his head slightly. “Whoa, hey…no. None of that. What’s the matter?”

  “He killed that deputy,” Rutley managed to say in a hoarse whisper. “You saw it, didn’t you? He just killed him because he’d been bitten. He didn’t even try to help him, Dim,” he swallowed the lump in his throat, feeling his stomach churn as his pulse thundered in his ears. “Can you imagine what he’s gonna do to me when he finds out?”

  Dimitri’s expression softened as he moved a hand to the back of Rutley’s neck, pulling him closer to himself. “No,” he said in a low, silky voice. “You listen to me, Rut. He’s not going to lay a damned finger on you. Do you hear me? I won’t let him hurt you.”

  He wanted to believe that. More than anything in the world, he wanted to believe that Dimitri could protect him from his father…..but Rutley knew what the Holters were capable of. He was one after all, or used to be, at least. His dad was pretty frigging sufficient at what he did. Why on earth would anyone ever think Rutley would be exempt from that?

  The hot tears continued to stream down his face as his lips quivered. He truly hated the thought of his father trying to kill him. His own flesh and blood would turn against him, and he’d end up just like Kevin Rogers. Kevin was a good guy. He didn’t deserve that…..

  “Rutley,” Dimitri whispered. “Please don’t cry.”

  Allowing his gaze to meet Dimitri’s, Rutley realized his alpha was on the verge of tears himself. Oh. Right. Dimitri could feel everything he felt. Shit.

  “He’s going to kill me,” Rutley promised as he sucked in a sharp breath. “I’ve put you in danger. You shoulda just let me die that night.”

  “No!” Dimitri growled as his eyes began to glow. “Don’t you ever say that again, Rutley. That’s stupid. That’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said.”

  Rutley had said a lot of stupid things in his time, but he didn’t think that last part was very far off from the truth. He really had endangered Dimitri. And now, on top of that, the werewolves were beginning to attack the citizens of Kadenburg too. It wasn’t just about the ursithropes anymore.

  “We’re fucked,” Rutley laughed bitterly, letting his head fall back against the log behind himself. “We’re so fucked and it’s my fault and I’m sorry. God, I’m so sor-”

  He was suddenly cut off by hot, hungry lips against his own. The words melted away on his tongue as Dimitri all but sucked the air from his aching lungs. He didn’t even have time to think about what was happening-he could only respond.

  His fingers found the leather material of Dimitri’s jacket and fisted it tightly as he leaned in pouring his everything into that kiss as Dimitri shoved him back against the log again, devouring his mouth in the fucking hottest way Rutley had ever experienced.

  Wait. Why were they kissing? How had that happened?

  ‘Shut up.’ Dimitri growled in his mind. Rutley didn’t need to be told twice. He groaned, allowing the most embarrassing sounds of need to escape between their lips as the alpha wolf’s touch created a delicious fire on the flesh of his neck.

  It was over within the blink of an eye it seemed, though Rutley’s lungs begged to differ. He stared at him with wide, watery eyes, mouth agape as his lips tingled with remembrance of their undeniable connection. What did he say now?

  “I won’t let him hurt you,” Dimitri repeated as he traced the pad of his thumb over Rutley’s bottom lip. His gazed lingered on Rutley’s mouth for a moment longer before he met his eyes. “Do you believe me?”

  Finally finding his senses again, Rutley nodded.

  “Good,” Dimitri stood up, offering his hand. “Now let’s go get that asshole we left tied up beneath the bridge,” he smirked. “I’m pretty sure Lorcan’s going to want a minute alone with him. Or five.”


  Beau’s eyes snapped open upon hearing a soft voice calling out his name. He immediately turned his attention the sleeping female beside of him. Sammy had begged him not to take her to the hospital again, and going against his better judgment, he let her stay at their apartment instead.

  For some reason, he was incapable of saying no to her. When she gazed at him with those eyes, and when those soft lips parted so words could flow through, he became stupid and mesmerized at the same time. No woman had ever had such an effect on him. Why?


  Again, the voice called out to him. Did Louisa need him? He very carefully untangled himself from Sammy’s arms, only then did he realize they had fallen asleep together upon his bed. When was the last time he’d had a woman in his bed? Too long.

  Leaving her to rest peacefully against his pillow, Beau crept down the hallway noiselessly and gently pushed Louisa’s bedroom door open. As the light from the hallway flooded her bedroom, he could make out her sleeping face in the darkness. She was happy-and he quickly remembered why.

  Greg’s muscular arm was wrapped around her waist as he slept behind her. Beau could feel a small twinge of agitation but that was just ridiculous. Louisa was a grown woman and could do as she liked, and besides, he could tell she was growing affectionate for the ursi-lycan. He definitely would not stand in their way.

  The night had been trying for every supernatural creature in Kadenburg. Colin was dead, Arnold Goult was slowly adjusting to the p
ermanent darkness surrounding him, and Louisa was back where she belonged. The excitement of this tiny town was just something he’d have to get used to.

  Closing Louisa’s door as quietly as possible, Beau made his way into the living room and turned on the lamp by the couch. He could tell by the frost decorating the window that the snow was still falling outside, but at least they had electricity now. His bare feet carried him to the front door and he carefully opened it, peering into the quiet atmosphere of the night.

  What was out there?


  The voice was much louder this time and it caused Beau to whirl around, slamming his back against the wall as his eyes darted around the room. No one was there. What the hell?


  He was growing increasingly frustrated as he stalked into the kitchen and flipped on the light, staring around to find it completely empty. Where was the voice coming from?

  Every light in the apartment was eventually turned on as Beau stalked through every inch of it, searching for the source of the voice. He wouldn’t be toyed with by anybody, and if this was something the wolves were doing…..

  No, it wasn’t the wolves. The only scent he caught was Greg’s, and it would be impossible for another werewolf to cloak its natural stench around him. Something was going on.

  As his skin tingled from the annoyance he felt, Beau returned to his bedroom to find the bed empty. Now what in the hell? Sammy seemed to have a real knack for disappearing on people, but she wasn’t about to pull that card on him. Snarling beneath his breath, Beau contemplated his next course of action when he heard the shower turning on in the bathroom.


  He was in the bathroom in an instant, which was pretty thoughtless of him given that Sammy was naked and showering. Urseth, he didn’t have any manners. His eyes were glued to her flesh through the small opening of the shower curtain. It never did quite reach from one end to the other, and a part of him was grateful for this as he caught another glimpse of her glorious nudity. His eyes watched as water ran down her back and over the curve of her bottom. He swallowed hard, trying to convince himself he wasn’t allowed to stare.