The Siege of Kadenburg Page 17
And here they were.
“She is mine!” Tim snarled before sinking his razor sharp teeth into Dimitri’s shoulder. Dimitri threw his head back, releasing a howl mixed with anger and pain as he dug his claws into the wolf’s side. Tim whimpered and submitted, allowing his head to fall back against the dirt as blood glistened on his chin.
“You will not touch her again,” Dimitri promised in a threatening tone. “I will kill you if you come near her again. Do you understand me?”
Tim scowled, keeping his gaze locked with Dimitri’s. It was a battle of wills as the two wolves stared at one another, but he eventually nodded.
Dimitri stood then, spitting at the ground before turning his head to glance at Rutley.
“Where’s Presley?” He asked with furrowed brows.
“She fucking…” Rutley lowered his hands from his nose, sniffling. “She kinda ran off in that direction,” He jerked his head towards the door. “I think I freaked her out.”
“Shit,” Dimitri mumbled. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Rutley sighed dramatically. “She hurt my ego more than anything else.”
The smallest hint of a smile played at the corner of Dimitri’s trembling lips. “Okay,” he wetted his lips, dropping his gaze to Tim again. “Do something with him.” He instructed before he disappeared.
Rutley groaned, rolling his eyes in Tim’s direction as his hands fell to his hips. The fallen werewolf eyed him cautiously.
“On your feet, you bastard,” Rutley muttered as he took a step towards him. “You’re coming with us.”
Dimitri couldn’t explain what he was experiencing as his feet carried him in the direction of Presley’s scent. The only thing he was even remotely worried about at the moment was her safety.
How did he find her? He didn’t know. There wasn’t really an explanation for most things he did anymore. He saved her from Breslin’s beta because she didn’t deserve to die, but how on earth did he know to find her ten miles out from Kadenburg-in the basement of a house?
“Presley!” He shouted, watching as his breath escaped in a huge cloud of white smoke. He cupped his hands around his mouth, calling her name again. “Presley!”
He knew she was scared, and hell, he would’ve been as well. But he had to find her as quickly as possible. He worried about her for reasons unknown to him.
His heart hammered against his ribcage so hard that it made him feel sick. His stomach twisted into knots as he thought about the possibility of losing her.
No, he thought with a frown. I’ll find her.
He wasn’t too far behind. Her scent was strong in the air. Albeit it was mostly a stench of fear, it still belonged to her.
“Come on, Presley.” He said softly as the scenery around him blurred. He was in hot pursuit again, letting his nose lead him as his eyes scanned the snowy path before him. He could hear her heartbeat, fast and unrelenting.
“Presley!” He called out. “Stop running!” Damn she was fast. He caught a glimpse of her golden hair, but then she was gone again. Shit.
“Presley!” He shouted over the sound of the wind lashing against his face. “STOP!”
He released a grunt of frustration as he dug his shoes into the snow, kicking off and sailing through the air. He had to stop her. Maybe she was so terrified that she couldn’t recognize his voice-she wouldn’t run from him on purpose, would she?
His thoughts quickly derailed when his shoulder slammed into the hard surface of the ground and pain shot through the entire left side of his body. What the hell now?
The world went topsy-turvy as he was shoved onto his back and he lifted his gaze to meet Lorcan’s furious eyes.
“Dimitri? What the hell?” Lorcan asked through clenched teeth. “I thought you were one of them.”
“Obviously not,” Dimitri replied in a winded voice. “I was trying to catch up to your ridiculously fast girlfriend.”
“Presley’s okay?” Lorcan asked as his brows furrowed. He slowly crawled off the wolf, offering a hand to him.
“She’s a bit shaken up, thus, the chase taking place,” Dimitri quirked a brow, eyeing the offered hand before accepting it with his right one. “I almost had her when you decided to sack me,” He winced, rubbing at his shoulder once he was on both feet again.
“Sorry,” Lorcan pursed his lips together, gazing in the direction of Presley’s scent. “She can get pretty far, pretty fast.”
“Then she’s probably halfway to Texas by now,” Dimitri mumbled.
“I should probably go after her,” Lorcan nodded. “You okay?”
“I’m fine. Just go get her. Make sure she’s okay.” Dimitri instructed as he heard Rutley and Tim approaching. It was probably in Tim’s best interest that Lorcan wasn’t there when he made it into Dimitri’s line of vision.
The snow upon the ground barely moved an inch when Lorcan darted out of sight. Dimitri released a low breath, turning his attention back to the two wolves finally coming into sight.
“Did you catch her?” Rutley asked, grunting as he shoved Tim ahead of himself. The blood was drying around his mouth and chin, and Dimitri fought the urge to find something to wipe his handsome face with. His nose had already healed…he didn’t need Dimitri making a big deal out of it.
“No, but Lorcan’s going to.” Dimitri replied as his eyes landed on Tim. He hardened his gaze and felt the fangs threatening to elongate once more. He really didn’t like Tim.
“So what are we going to do with him?”
A rather evil grin slid over Dimitri’s lips as he crossed his arms over his chest, “I have an idea.”
When his village was attacked, Beau had never felt so helpless in his life. Listening to the screams of his people, his parents, and the little ones who did not deserve the agony they were currently experiencing; all he wanted to do was save them, but he wasn’t able to.
“You must run,” his grandfather instructed as he nodded towards the river. “Take Louisa and the others, Beau and run.”
“I cannot do that, Grandfather,” Beau argued as he tried to keep his body from trembling. “It is my duty to stay and fight. We can take them!”
“No, we cannot,” his grandfather gazed at him sadly. The sounds of a woman’s scream filled the night air and Beau knew his grandfather was correct. “It is your duty to take your cousin and lead the survivors to a new place; a safer place. I trust you will not fail me, Beau.”
“I won’t.” Beau struggled to reply as he felt Louisa’s hand tightening around his own. He gazed at her, watching a tear slide down her bloody cheek. The fear in her eyes riled his inner bear. He needed to protect her above all others.
“Go now,” their grandfather said firmly. “Go!”
“Grandfather!” Louisa wailed as Beau pulled her out of the small house and led her towards the lake. “Grandfather, come with us!”
He could hear the furious roar that caused the earth to tremble beneath his feet. He turned his head briefly to see the massive panda bursting through the side of the house and trampling straight towards a pack of hungry wolves. He quickly pulled Louisa closer to himself, covering her eyes with his hand as he picked up the pace.
“Come on, Louisa,” he whispered quietly. “We must find the others and leave. I will keep you safe.”
Yeah…he kept her safe all right. He was so disappointed in himself for allowing any of this to happen. The signs had been there, yet he was blinder than Arnold Goult. The wolves in the woods the night before; the bleeding man the EMTs brought in to see him; and three people missing-his cousin included. Urseth, how could he be so dense?
I will find you, Louisa. He promised as he continued trekking through the deep snow on the mountain side. Dimitri and Rutley darted off to trail another scent, he assumed, but he couldn’t follow after them. They needed to split up anyway to cover more ground.
He’d lost her scent some time ago, which meant she had to
be close. A scent didn’t just disappear into thin air like that-and he could recall Lorcan saying that Breslin had masked their smells with ammonia. Perhaps that’s what he needed to be sniffing for.
Crouching down in the shin-high snow, Beau closed his eyes and concentrated. He cleared his mind of every thought and simply breathed.
A small giggle echoed in his mind; a memory that swirled around in the foggiest part of his brain. It was Louisa’s laughter. He tried to push the memory away. He couldn’t think about that right now. He needed to focus!
“Play with me, Bo!” Louisa squealed as she ran around him in circles. “Bo!”
“Stop it, Liu. I’m trying to study.” He replied in annoyance as he gripped the book in his hands.
“You are always so serious!” His little cousin pouted. “Take a break and come play with me! We can play hide and seek.”
Beau’s eyes snapped open as her youthful face came into view. She hadn’t been over seven at the time. She had always been so full of life; always wanting to have fun.
Had he failed her, too?
What the hell was I thinking? He pondered in silence as he traced his fingers through the snow. I asked her to take care of another when she could not even take care of herself. Some cousin I am.
This wasn’t an ideal time to feel self-pity. He could still fix it. Louisa was still alive and he could save her. He had taught her how to defend herself. He taught her how to wield a bow and arrow. He knew she wasn’t completely helpless, but he still feared for her safety.
She has to be alive, he affirmed as the corners of his mouth anchored into a grave frown. I would feel if she was not…..
It was then that he finally caught a whiff of chemicals in the air, and he was grateful his body was finally complying. The ammonia was faint, but it would grow stronger so long as he followed it. He pushed himself up once more, taking a step forward as the sound of snow crunched beneath his boot.
“I am coming, Louisa,” he whispered. “I will find you.”
Louisa was completely silent as she stared at the lifeless body of Colin Grimes. Greg wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to kill him; it happened quickly and it was terrifying.
“What the hell is going on in here?!” Colin roared as he shoved the door open and stepped inside. “Shut your mouth, you stupid little bi-”
Louisa and Sammy scrambled away from him as his wild eyes stared at them with murderous intent. Her heart hammered against her ribcage as she gripped the other female’s wrist, releasing a cry of fright as a sickening ‘crack’ rang through the air.
Greg had returned the favor, if they wanted to look at it that way at least. Colin was motionless on the floor with his head lying at an odd angle. He was definitely dead.
Allowing her mind to return to the present, Louisa’s eyes lifted to gaze at Greg. His eyes were glowing and she could see the very tips of his sharp teeth sticking out from between his parted lips. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths as he met her gaze, frowning.
“Are you okay?” He asked breathlessly, his eyes darting back and forth between Louisa and Sammy.
“What. The. Hell?” Sammy asked as her eyebrows knitted together. Her face was pale and if Louisa didn’t know any better, it looked like the woman was about to throw up. “What the fucking fuck just happened here?”
Louisa turned to face her then, biting at her lower lip as she lifted a trembling hand to touch her arm.
“There’s so much you don’t know about, Sammy,” she said in an apologetic tone. “Colin was a…he…”
“He was a werewolf,” Greg stated blatantly as he wiped his palm down the length of his face. “Now he’s just a dead one.”
“What?” Sammy stared at him in disbelief. “Are you yankin’ my chain right now?” Her lips quivered as she took a step towards Colin’s body, but then she stopped. “It can’t be true.”
“Do you need more proof?” Greg asked angrily as the left corner of his mouth twitched. “He was going to kill you-both of you. He was a killer. He had to be stopped.”
“I just need a second,” Sammy muttered as she turned away from them, raking her fingers through her hair. “I just need a minute to process this.”
“Greg,” Louisa whispered, running into his arms. “I was so frightened.”
“It’s going to be okay,” Greg murmured as he kissed the top of her hair. “He’s never going to bother any of us again.”
As relieved as she was to hear that, she was still worried. If Breslin Connor could so easily turn one of their own against them….if he could make his own hybrids at will….what did that mean for Kadenburg? What did it mean for Greg? She slowly pulled back to gaze at him, questions obvious in her gaze as she frowned.
“What is it?” Greg asked, cupping her face between his large, warm hands. “What’s wrong?”
“Greg.” She swallowed hard, contemplating how to ask her question.
“What?” He searched her eyes, mirroring the frown taking prominence on her lips.
“Did Breslin try to turn you against us too?”
She watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down quickly. His hesitance answered the question for her.
“Lou,” he pleaded, moving his hand to take hers. “I would never betray our kind like that,” he said quietly so Sammy wouldn’t hear. “He gave me a choice. Either join him or die….which one do you think I chose?”
Oh, she hated the thought of him dying. It was still hard to understand how he’d survived having his neck snapped, let alone thinking about what Breslin Connor had done to him in that abandoned hospital.
“Is that…what happened to you on the night I found you?” Her voice was barely above a whisper as she held his gaze, feeling as his thumb caressed her knuckles. “It wasn’t Rutley’s father, was it?”
Greg slowly shook his head. “No, it wasn’t the sheriff, Lou. Breslin had his men shoot me. I guess they thought that’s all it’d take. I don’t remember much after that, honestly. I can only remember waking up and making my way out of there after they were long gone. I found my way back home….and I found you.”
Her stomach twisted into knots as her breath became lodged in her throat. She remembered that night all too well. She could still see the images so vividly in her mind…..
“I would never betray our kind,” he whispered into her ear as he pulled her closer against himself. “Everyone keeps questioning my intentions now that I’m part wolf. Am I going to try to kill people? Will I turn on my family? Is something going to change inside of me that causes me to become another person?” He sighed. “Louisa, I promise you none of those questions terrify me as much as wondering where I stand with you.”
Her heart stopped altogether. What was he trying to say?
The sound of heavy footsteps distracted both of them, and Greg’s arms tightened around her protectively. Were there more wolves coming? Did Colin call for backup? Oh, Urseth…..
“I wish I had my gun right now,” Sammy said quietly as she stepped closer to them. “If whoever’s coming doesn’t kill us, you two have a hell of a lot of explaining to do.”
“They won’t kill us,” Greg promised as he turned towards the door. “Just stay behind me.”
Louisa held her breath, pressing a hand against Greg’s muscular back as she strained to see around him. She waited for the wolves to make their appearance.
“Could really go for having my damn gun right now,” Sammy repeated. “Nothing guarantees a death faster than a bullet between the eyes.”
“Only if you’ve got some silver bullets.” Greg mumbled quietly.
“Oh. Werewolves. Right.” Sammy sighed.
“Be quiet.” Greg instructed as the footsteps grew louder and louder.
This was it. Louisa knew that there was a chance she’d shift if the wolves attacked Greg. She wouldn’t let him get hurt again. Her heart couldn’t handle that. Her skin began to tingle and burn as her head threaten
ed to swell. She would protect Greg if she had to. She would do anything to keep him safe….she would do anything to keep him.
A silhouette appeared in the doorway then, and Louisa readied herself for launch at the first sign of aggression. She wouldn’t let anybody hurt Greg. She would protect Sammy as her cousin had asked. She would kill if that’s what it took. She would…..
“Louisa? Is that you?”
Louisa maneuvered herself around Greg’s protective frame then, her heart soaring into her throat as the man in the doorway stepped into the room.
“Beau!” She cried, running into her cousin’s arms and nearly tackling him to the floor. “What are you doing here?!”
Beau stumbled backwards, locking his arms tightly around her as he buried his face against her hair.
“You silly girl,” he said through clenched teeth. She could feel him trembling as tears slid down her cheeks. “I was coming to save you…..but I can see that is not needed at all.”
“You’re here,” she sobbed, refusing to let him go. “You came to find me.”
“Of course I did,” Beau replied as he pulled back a little to examine her face. His eyes were watery as well. He smiled. “You’re my family. Why wouldn’t I come to find you?”
“Oh!” Louisa felt like her heart was going to burst as she hugged him again. “Beau, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I’m-”
“Safe,” he stared at her. “And that is all that matters, Louisa. You’re safe,” he glanced over her head, seemingly looking for someone else. “Are you all right, Samantha?”
Oh, Urseth. Louisa was so caught up in the moment that she forgot about Greg and Sammy. She untangled herself from her cousin’s arms, turning to face the others.
Sammy blinked once. Twice. She hugged her arms around herself and then shook her head slowly.
“I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but…..” Her voice drifted off. Louisa frowned as she took a step towards her.