The Siege of Kadenburg Page 19
She isn’t an ursithrope, he told himself. Yet she is not human either.
How did he know that? He wasn’t sure. It was just a feeling he got when he was in her presence. Sammy may have looked ordinary to anyone else, but he felt something entirely different. She made him feel different in a lot of ways, really…..
His eyes landed on something peculiar then. The way her creamy skin shimmered with the water was strange, and as the seconds passed by, it became stranger. It almost seemed like the color of her skin was turning a very shiny blue, or pink, or white….something weird was happening as he found himself moving closer.
Sammy was humming, oblivious to anyone being in the bathroom with her as she ran her fingers through her drenched hair. Beau swallowed hard, feeling like a moth being drawn to the flame as he got close enough to feel the steam hitting against his face.
The sweet melody of her voice tangled itself around his heart and sent every repressed desire straight into the confines of his jeans as he wetted his lips. It was damn near hypnotic.
And then she turned around, releasing a yelp of surprise. Beau snapped out of his trance and met her gaze…her beautiful pink eyed gaze.
Her eyes were literally pink, and he’d never seen anything so heart-stopping before. Maybe he forgot how to breathe altogether as he opened his mouth to spew an apology…damn it, why wasn’t his voice working?
“Beau,” she said softly, lifting her arms to cover her breasts from his view. She blinked and her irises returned to their normal color. “What are you doing in here?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” He whispered huskily. His desire was evident in his voice as his eyes raked over her again. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks as she bit at her bottom lip.
“The water makes me feel better,” she replied timidly, reaching down to turn off the steaming stream before clearing her throat. “Can you get me a towel, please?”
A what? Oh. Beau immediately moved to the cabinet, opening it and retrieving one of the many towels Louisa insisted they needed-at a time like this, he wished they didn’t have any at all.
“Thank you,” Sammy whispered as she accepted the towel, wrapping it around her body before glancing at him again. “I’m sorry I used your shower without your permission.”
“I’m sorry I stared at you without your permission.” Beau countered as he offered his hand to her. The tub could be quite slippery sometimes. He didn’t want her to fall, right?
“I can’t say it was that horrible.” Sammy admitted as she stepped out of the shower, holding his hand tightly as her feet touched the soft rug. Their gazes locked again and all was silent.
Beau still couldn’t figure out why he was so enamored with her. She was a sheriff’s deputy. Her parents had been murdered and she obviously had something she needed to do on her own…yet when Colin had abducted her, she became a part of his world whether he wanted it or not. Louisa had mentioned that the wolves had high interest in her anyway. Why?
And then it hit him harder than a fly making impact with a windshield. Of course.
Sammy had a sexual allure about her that drove Beau insane. The water made her feel better. Louisa stated Greg came back to life after Sammy touched him. The werewolves wanted her. Her eyes could turn pink.
Now he understood.
Sammy frowned as she peered up at him, tilting her head to the side as a drop of water dripped off her chin.
“What is it?” She asked quietly, searching his eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I know what you are,” Beau responded in a gentle voice. “And I think it will help us find out why your parents were murdered.”
Twenty One
“Is she all right?!” Mrs. Bamey asked as she all but leapt from the front porch. She bounded towards Presley, who was tucked safely against Lorcan’s chest as he carried her towards the house. She felt so safe in his arms.
“She’ll be fine.” Lorcan said reassuringly as he paused long enough for his mother to check on her. Presley felt Mrs. Bamey’s warm hands as they framed her face and she could see the tears in the woman’s eyes.
“Oh, Presley,” she sobbed. “I am so sorry. I thought I could protect you, honey. I’m so sorry.”
Presley frowned as she peered at the older female, feeling a little guilty for making her feel as if she’d failed somehow. She didn’t. Not by a long shot.
“He was crazy,” Presley responded tiredly as she felt Lorcan’s arms tighten around her. “But Dimitri and Rutley showed up out of nowhere and I’d honestly hate to think about what’s happening to him right now.”
“Dimitri? Rutley?” Mrs. Bamey echoed as pride shined brightly in her eyes. “Well thank Urseth for them. Are you sure you’re all right? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“She did more damage to him,” Lorcan smirked. “Presley finally discovered just how strong she is tonight-and I discovered how damn fast she is too.”
That much was true. She had no idea she was capable of throwing a full grown man across the room. It made her wonder what else she was capable of. She hadn’t meant to run away from Dimitri and Rutley like that. She felt bad that she’d injured Rutley, too; he was only trying to help. She was grateful she and Lorcan could communicate telepathically, or she never would’ve slowed down for him, either.
The sound of an engine caught her attention and she peered over Lorcan’s shoulder to see Natalie’s car pulling into the driveway. Oh God. They’d called Uncle Arnold, hadn’t they?
“Presley!” Arnold shouted as he pushed open the passenger door and stumbled out. Natalie was trying to get to him as quickly as possible, but he was obviously determined to make it to her on his own. “Where’s my girl?”
“Put me down,” Presley requested gently as she squirmed against Lorcan’s chest. He complied. She eagerly ran to her uncle, wrapping her arms around him. “I’m safe,” she whispered, burying her face against his shoulder. “I’m okay, Uncle Arnold.”
“Thank Urseth,” he sniffled, locking his arms around her like a vice. “When I heard that little son of a bitch took you….God, Presley, the thoughts I had. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to protect you, baby.”
And more guilt weighed down on her heart. Lovely. Why did everyone feel the need to protect her? It made her feel like a terrible person. She had to be stronger. She had to be faster. She couldn’t keep getting herself into these situations and worrying her loved ones. She needed to prove she was capable of protecting herself. But how?
“Everyone come on in,” Mr. Bamey called from the front porch of Lorcan and Presley’s house. “This place needs to be cleaned up and we might as well get to it while there’s a few of us here.”
“He trashed it pretty bad, huh?” Natalie asked as she took her turn in hugging Presley. “We’ll get it cleaned back up, sweetie. I’m glad you’re okay.”
“I’m really okay.” Presley insisted as she hugged her back and then pulled away. Her eyes met Lorcan’s as he gazed at her, and judging by the expression on his face, something was reeling through his mind.
‘I’ll never let you out of my sight again.’ His voice said in her mind.
‘Don’t be ridiculous, Lorcan. You can’t be my keeper like that. I just need to learn to protect myself. I’ll get one of Uncle Arnold’s guns,’ she nodded.
She watched as he rolled his beautiful brown eyes and a grin toyed at his lips. ‘You’re stubborn, you know that?’
In spite of everything that had happened, Presley smiled at him as she passed by with her aunt and uncle in tow.
‘Yes, but you love that about me.’ She reminded him.
‘I do,’ he replied as he followed them into the house. ‘I love everything about you, Pretz.’
“I’m gonna try to get this door back on the hinges,” Mr. Bamey nodded as he shoved his hands into his pockets. “Hey, Son?”
“Yeah, Dad?” Lorcan asked as he raked his fingers through his hair.
“Why don’t you take Presley t
o bed and get her tucked in? That cub needs its mama get some good rest.”
“Yes, Sir.” Lorcan saluted him, his eyes moving back to Presley’s as he grinned.
“Rest well, sweetheart,” Natalie said as she kissed Presley’s temple. “We’ll see you in the morning.”
“But I can help.” Presley tried to argue as her uncle’s arms wrapped around her once more.
“I ain’t gonna have it,” he grumbled, squeezing her gently. “Get your hind-end to bed, Pretz or I’ll whip it for ya.” He chuckled.
“Fine,” she sulked, glancing towards Mrs. Bamey. “But if I can help at all…”
“Go!” Four voices ordered simultaneously. She was outnumbered.
“Come on, little mama bear,” Lorcan whispered as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Let’s get you to bed, huh?”
Presley rolled her eyes, smiling gently as they walked down the hallway and she stopped briefly to peer into the nursery. Her smile faded away when she saw the damage Tim had caused.
“We’ll fix it,” Lorcan promised, pressing a kiss against her temple. “That asshole will pay for what he’s done, Pretz. If he’d hurt you….”
“He didn’t,” she turned her head to gaze at him. “I think Tim was sent here under false pretenses. He had no idea about the baby…and I think that means Breslin doesn’t know about it either.”
“He doesn’t need to know,” Lorcan growled, pulling her to his chest as he stroked her hair. “We’ll find a way to keep the wolves out of Kadenburg,” he promised. “My dad, your uncle Arnold, and the elders are already discussing it. I don’t care if we have to set up a twenty four hour security perimeter, they won’t hurt another ursithrope. Our baby won’t be raised in danger.”
She definitely didn’t want that. She wanted their son to be able to play outside without being afraid of what existed beyond the woods. She didn’t want him to grow up with a bull’s eye on his back. Breslin Connor needed to die before their son came into the world.
Lorcan’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts and her face heated up.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, shaking her head slowly. “I guess I really am tired.”
“And that’s why you’re going to bed,” Lorcan patted her bottom gently, guiding her towards the bedroom as his arms wrapped around her from behind. “Would you be opposed to me joining you?”
“Would I ever be opposed to that?” She asked, leaning back against him. “Forever and for always, Lorcan Bamey. Take me to bed.”
As he scooped her up into his strong arms, Presley nuzzled her nose against his neck and breathed him in. Things would get better eventually; they had to. Breslin Connor was living on borrowed time as far as she was concerned, and any werewolves who entered Kadenburg in the future would have a rude awakening.
I am not a good person.
Kia read over the words and wrinkled her nose, quickly hitting the delete button on her keyboard before sighing. That wasn’t the way she wanted to start her journal entry.
I am a good person and bad things happen to me.
She tilted her head to the side, re-reading the sentence as she chewed her lower lip. It made more sense, didn’t it? Of course it did. She was a good person. It wasn’t her fault if unfortunate circumstances followed her around, was it?
“I am not a Baudelaire.” She huffed, pinching at the bridge of her nose. Why did a simple journal entry have to be so damned difficult anyway? She pressed the delete button rapidly, listening to the annoying tick of the key as she growled.
I did not ask for this task. No one can ever understand the amount of pressure that’s been placed on my shoulders just for the sake of survival. I feel horrible for what I have done, but it is too late to turn back now. If I do, I will be viewed as a traitor to my kind and I will surely be put to death.
Her fingers stilled after typing the last word, and she stared at the large black letters in sadness. Death didn’t sound like a very fun thing at all. She was too young to die; there was still so much she wanted to experience. With any luck, she would be allowed to do so after her end of the bargain was held up.
I met some guys, she typed hurriedly. They are seriously the sweetest men I’ve ever encountered. Rutley is a funny guy and Dimitri, while serious, just needs a little persuasion to come out of the angry wolf shell he’s created. They are wonderful….amazing.
She swallowed the painful lump in her throat as her mind wandered back to her time with them. They were the perfect combination of gentle and rough. Her body hummed with the memory of pleasure they’d given her, and holy hell, she missed them.
But it didn’t matter now, did it?
They are going to hate me when the truth comes out. I hate that I must lie to them. How long can I keep it up?
Pulling her glasses off and resting them on the desk, Kia closed her eyes and tried to push away her worries. She wasn’t supposed to have worries. She wasn’t supposed to be stuck in the middle of this. Her father promised she would never deal with the drama of werewolves and ursithropes fighting one another. It wasn’t her battle to be involved with-at all.
If only her mother were still alive to see this. She would put a stop to it. Hell, she wouldn’t have let the idea become a reality! Stupid, stupid, STUPID. She could be free and happy and—
The shrill ring of the telephone on the counter nearly caused her to fall out of her chair. She turned her head slowly to glance at the clock and frowned.
She pressed her bare feet against the floor, rolling her chair backwards before standing. The sick feeling in her stomach was already becoming evident as she made her way into the kitchen and picked up the ugly brown receiver. She slowly lifted it to her ear, listening to the heavy breathing on the other end.
“Did you do it?”
She chewed her lip, twirling the long, spiraling cord around her finger as she nodded gently.
“I can’t hear the murky water sloshing around in your head, Kia,” the male growled. “Is it done?”
“Yes.” She replied quietly, swallowing her heart back into place. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, waiting for a response. Maybe a response wouldn’t come, or maybe he would apologize for forcing this on her in the first place…but oh, how she would never be that lucky.
“Good. Email everything to me now.”
She slammed the receiver down with a frustrated cry and hugged her arms around herself. She felt so disgusting. She felt like such a repulsive, pathetic piece of shit on the heel of a shoe. None of this was fair! Life wasn’t supposed to turn out like this for her.
She stomped back into the living room and slumped down in her chair, scooting forward with her toes as her blurry eyes gazed at the cellphone and watch near her keyboard. Those didn’t belong to her. Trembling fingers brushed over each item before returning to the keyboard as she sniffled.
I drugged them and completely took advantage of their wolves. I am a horrible, terrible, rotten, vile person. I have received a mark I don’t deserve and they are going to find out.
I am about to destroy so many lives. I’m so sorry.
Thank you for reading The Siege of Kadenburg!
Other books by T.E. Ridener:
The Kadenburg Shifters Series
The Truth about Kadenburg (Book #1)
Return to Kadenburg (Book #2)
The Siege of Kadenburg (Book #3)
Kadenburg Revealed (Book #4) Coming soon!
The Descendants Series
The Fire King’s Daughter (Book #1)
The Water King’s Bride (Book #2)
The Ice King’s Heart (Book #3) Coming soon!
The Blood Betrayal Series
Blood Betrayal (Book #1)
Mirela and Her Vampire (Book #1.5)
Blood Revelations (Book #2)
Blood Re
surrection (Book #3) Coming soon!
Divine Sacrifice Trilogy
Guarding Abigail (Book #1)
Saving Maureen (Book #2) Coming soon!
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Keep reading for an exclusive sneak peek at book 4 in the Kadenburg Shifters Series entitled “Kadenburg Revealed”.
Kadenburg Revealed
Book 4 of the Kadenburg Shifters Series
December 18th
Christmas is only a week away and while other people are celebrating the joyous holiday and looking forward to seeing family and friends, I am doing the absolute opposite. I am avoiding everyone like the plague and I’m fairly sure they think I’m dead by now. I haven’t left my apartment in nearly three weeks and if I don’t change my mind, I never will.
Every time I look into the mirror I am absolutely disgusted. I can’t stand looking at the face in my mirror because she’s not me. I mean, obviously she is, but I don’t like her. So much has changed over the last year and a half. Everything is different and I have become the one thing I never, ever, ever wanted to be; my father.
He promised everything was going to get better. He said that I would never have to worry again and that if I did this one thing for him-just this one thing-I would never have to hide in fear. Sometimes I think he lied.
I have seen the ursithropes that live in this town. It’s hard to believe the stories I’ve heard when I recall my first introduction to Mrs. Bamey at the grocery store. I was two dollars short and I was trying to figure out what item to put back when she approached me. She was so kind, you see. She simply smiled and placed a five dollar bill in the cashier’s hand. If she is so evil and wicked, how would she be capable of such kindness?
And furthermore, when I think about it, the rest of her family is really nice too. They’re all nice. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I moved into a town filled with bear-shifters, but they’ve never bothered me. I think their tolerance comes from Dimitri. I never knew Dimitri personally until last month. He and Rutley are really nice guys too. It was so much easier to dive into this thinking they were bad, but they’re not. They’re nothing like the description I was given. Did my dad lie to me?