Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4) Read online

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  “I was busy,” he lied, tilting his head back so she could have better access.

  “Doing what? Drinking beer and listening to a game? Come on, Arnold. You can’t get away with that. She wants to spend time with you. What’s keeping you away?”

  “Are you done yet?” He asked through clenched teeth, dropping his chin promptly. She jerked the blade away in an effort not to cut him. “I got things to do now.”

  “You’re being a stubborn ass,” she snapped, glaring at him. “You’re being a pain in my ass!”

  “Well, ain’t anybody asking you to be here, Natalie. Go home,” he muttered as he straightened to his full height and rolled his shoulders. “Gimme that towel.”


  “I said give me the towel.”

  “And I said no.”

  “You damn stubborn woman.” He muttered, pinning her against the sink as he lifted his hand to feel for the towel that usually hung on the rack. His chest crushed against hers and Natalie forgot how to breathe. He was too close. She felt dizzy as she inhaled the scent of what could only be Arnold. She remembered his smell all too well.....

  He froze against her. Could he feel her trembling? Natalie’s eyes widened as she watched his head turn slowly. The tip of his nose brushed against hers and it felt like the fourth of July erupted in her veins. Her knees turned to jelly as she watched his nostrils flare. He could smell her, too.

  “Natalie,” He whispered hoarsely as his eyes widened in horror. “Are you....”

  Oh, Urseth. She knew exactly what he was asking as one of his hands fell to rest against her waist. His fingertips dug into her skin possessively as she stifled a small whimper. This was wrong. He was only acting this way because it was their nature to do so.

  “You should leave,” he growled, though he made no effort to step back as his smooth cheek pressed against hers. “Damn it. You should have been gone when it started.”

  She swallowed her nerves back into place, willing her body not to fail her as his hand disappeared beneath the bottom of her shirt. She shivered in a delicious way, allowing her heavily lidded eyes to close. Yes, she should’ve left when she glanced at the calendar and realized her cycle was only days away. Her scent was always at its strongest when she was close to that time, but she couldn’t just leave him alone. He needed someone to look after him and she wasn’t going to let just anyone do it.

  “You need to go,” he groaned breathlessly. The heat between them grew hotter by the second, and all Natalie wanted to do was submit to him. She wanted Arnold to claim what had been his since she was sixteen years old; her.

  “I....” What was she supposed to say? She licked her lips quickly, gasping as she felt his lips tracing over the side of her neck. She squeezed her eyes shut, lifting a hand to rest against his back. She could feel the muscles quivering from her touch as she turned her head to ghost a feather light kiss against his silky jaw.

  Oh, how she wanted his lips against her own. She had fantasized about it so many times in the past. If only he could’ve loved her before the human......

  “You have to go,” Arnold pleaded as his hips pressed into hers. She could feel the evidence of his arousal pressing against her and it took every ounce of strength she had not to take him right then and there. As much as she wanted it, this was wrong. It wasn’t how she wanted it to happen. He was attracted to her scent at the moment, and once it passed, he would only view her as the woman he despised so much. Nature could be so cruel.

  “Let me by,” she requested in a softer tone, raking her nails down his shirt as she sighed. “I’ll leave.”

  “I’m trying.” He promised as his teeth slid over her shoulder. Natalie went rigid. If he marked her, there would be no turning back. He was drunk on the lust his bear felt for hers, and if they coupled under false pretenses, he’d never forgive her.

  “Arnold,” she nearly sobbed as she pressed her palms against his chest. “Stop breathing for a second.”

  “I can’t,” he whispered, nuzzling his nose against her throat. “You smell too damn good.”

  “Arnold,” Natalie blinked back hot tears as she pushed against him. “This isn’t real....what you’re feeling right now isn’t real. My bear is calling to yours. You know that....”

  “He likes her,” Arnold stated in a honey smooth voice as his hand dipped between her legs. She arched her back, crying out as his palm came into contact with her aching center through her jeans. “He likes her a lot.”

  “Yes, but...” She sucked in a sharp breath, stilling her hips as they tried to undulate against his touch. “You don’t like me. Remember that, okay? You hate me.”

  “I could never hate you. You’re beautiful,” Arnold insisted as he worked the button of her jeans open. His hand delved inside as a moan ripped past her lips. Eager and skilled fingers found exactly what they were looking for as he pinned her to the sink again. “So beautiful....”

  “Oh! Arnold!” She cried, feeling her knees buckle as she fisted his shirt into her hands. She buried her face against his shoulder, muffling the embarrassing noises that escaped her as his fingers filled her, stretched her, and brought her closer and closer to a peak she didn’t realize could be reached. “Oh, please...”

  “So beautiful.” He said again and again as his fingers slipped deeper and deeper into her heat. His lips traced over her pulse point and as the sound of her heart deafened her, she felt the sweetest rush of euphoria from the orgasm Arnold gave her. Her voice bounced off the tiled walls as she clung to him, shaking uncontrollably.

  Several seconds passed by before she could even move. His fingers were still inside her and his breath was sweet against her cheek. But oh, how she could not enjoy this. She wasn’t allowed to.

  “Let me go, Arnold,” she sniffled, moving her fingers to encircle his wrist. “You need to let me go.”

  “I can’t, Natty,” he confessed as his lips touched the corner of her own. “I need you.”

  “No.....” She quickly pulled away before he had the opportunity to kiss her. “This is wrong and you know it. You’ll realize it when I’m gone. I’m so sorry.”

  With all the strength she could muster, she shoved him away. It was difficult to avoid a man when he was high on a woman’s scent, but she managed to dart out the door before he could grab her again. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she stumbled down the hallway and towards the front door, reaching for the knob as her fingers shook violently.

  I am an awful creature, she affirmed as she pulled open the front door and allowed the harsh winter weather to greet her. I took advantage of his vulnerability. He only wanted me because of how sweet I smell right now. Oh, Urseth! Strike me down!

  No such strike came as her boots sank into the snow, but as she walked towards her car she could hear the sound of Arnold’s wails. He wasn’t happy.


  “Isn’t this fun?” Presley asked as they made their way through the bustling crowd of eager shoppers. Knoxville was an insane place. Louisa determined that from the moment they entered the first store and realized how crazy a person could get over a simple gift. Why was it so important to have that scarf in that color? Did a woman really need to get physical over a piece of clothing? Apparently that’s just how it worked in America.

  “Oh, loads.” Louisa promised as she picked up the pace, walking quickly beside the cheerful blonde as they entered another small shop and gazed around. It appeared to be a clock shop-which was really cool actually, aside from the obnoxiously loud tick tock tick tock that assaulted her far too sensitive ears.

  “Here, can you hold this?” Presley asked, offering two bags full of gifts to Louisa. She accepted them and sighed. Who knew that ‘a few gifts’ translated to ‘everybody’s gift’ for Presley? Weren’t people supposed to start buying Christmas presents in mid-June or something?

  “Hello!” Presley chimed as she approached the glass counter. She tapped her nails against it, watching as an older man with wild gray hair popped up
from behind. He blinked rapidly, squinting through his thick spectacles as he gazed at her.

  “Hello there, young’un,” he replied with a gapped tooth grin. “What can I do for you?”

  “I’m here for an order, Sir. It should be under Goult? Presley Goult.”

  “Goult.” He repeated as he turned towards the mile high shelf behind himself. It was stacked with tons of boxes, and Louisa couldn’t help but wonder if each one was packed with a watch or clock someone had requested. She didn’t even know such shops existed anymore!

  “Ah ha, here we are,” he turned around with a long, thin box in his hands. He held it out for Presley to take, smiling proudly again. “This piece was particularly enjoyable for me. It’s not often I am asked to make personalized items anymore. People go to those fancy stores and buy what’s in stock....it’s not as intimate as it used to be.”

  Louisa dared to step closer, stealing a glance at the gift Presley had travelled so far to get. It had to be special. Maybe it was for Lorcan?

  Presley plucked the golden chain from the box and held it up. At the very end dangled a bright, shiny pocket watch. It was beautiful. It circled around slowly as Presley sighed. She seemed to be pleased.

  “You said it’s personalized?” Louisa asked. The old man nodded. “What does it say?”

  Presley turned to face her, pressing the small button on the side so the watch would pop open. The strong tick tick was steady and calm. It was oddly soothing. Louisa leaned in a bit more to read the inscription.

  For my brother.

  “Ohhhh,” she said softly, her eyes darting up to meet Presley’s again. “A gift for your brother? The one you’ve yet to meet?”

  “But I will meet him,” Presley replied with misty eyes. “And when I do, I want to give him this gift. I want him to know he is welcomed and wanted.....I don’t want him to ever feel as I did when I was little, Lou. No one should ever feel unwanted.”

  Louisa was taken aback by her friend’s passionate response. She could feel the tears become lodged in her throat as she sensed Presley’s happiness and excitement. How wonderful it must’ve been to be expecting a new family member. In a time of so many losses, it would be nice to gain something-or someone, rather. It made her even more curious about the lost brother who would be travelling to Kadenburg in the near future. If Urseth said it was so, then it was so.

  “That really is the most beautiful watch.” Louisa said as they made their way out of the shop and headed back into the horde of crazy people trying to buy that coveted video game or new doll. It made her skin tingle with irritation as she wrinkled her nose.

  “Calm down,” Presley said softly, smiling. “Let’s get Greg something, hm?”

  “What?” Louisa’s head snapped in Presley’s direction as her mouth fell open. “G-Greg? Why?”

  “You don’t want to get him something?” The older female blinked. “Really?”

  “No, I do,” she stammered. “I just....I don’t know what to get him.”

  “What does he like?”


  Her face heated up to bizarre levels as Presley giggled and Louisa fought the urge to find a bathroom to hide in. Didn’t all ursithropes love honey? It was a safe gift choice.

  “In that case, you could get him some fish sticks and tuna casserole. But don’t you think he might like something he could use? Maybe you could get him some tools or a new shirt. Does Greg like to tinker with things around his house?”

  “He doesn’t really seem the type,” Louisa pondered aloud as they passed by a group of teenage boys. She heard a few cat calls and wolf whistles. Rolling her eyes, she glanced at Presley again. “Ugh. Boys.”

  “They think you’re pretty,” Presley smiled. “I bet Greg thinks you’re pretty, too.”

  Oh, Urseth. Louisa tucked some dark hair behind her ear as she bit her lower lip and smiled. It was a nice thought, wasn’t it? It was no secret that she thought Greg was the most gorgeous guy in the world, but she couldn’t necessarily voice that to another ursithrope. What if they thought badly of her? What if Presley judged her for moving on to another so shortly after her mate-to-be’s death? She wasn’t sure she could handle that.

  “Mmm, what’s wrong?” Presley nudged her side gently. “I can feel it. Something’s bugging you. Spill.”

  “Well, I guess it’s—”

  She was cut off by Presley’s excited gasp and it startled her so badly that she nearly dropped the bags she was carrying.

  “What?! What is it?” Louisa asked with wide eyes.

  “Captain Shivers!” Presley exclaimed excitedly. “They have a Captain Shivers here! Come on, we’re eating.”

  “But I’m not hungry....”

  “The baby is, so we’re eating,” Presley walked ahead of her, quickly, and Louisa had to practically jog to keep up.

  “You never did tell me what you’re going to name him.”

  Presley glanced at her over her shoulder, smiling broadly. “Liam Pierce.”


  He could still smell her on his fingertips. The lustful madness had long since gone, and now he was only mad. Natalie was awfully brave to try something like that. She knew better than to linger around any male ursithrope when her cycle was nearing. An unattached female was supposed to be careful around unattached males-those were the rules!

  He could still taste her skin on his tongue, and it was angering him to know his bear enjoyed her flavor. He wanted to spit in disgust and wash his mouth out, yet he couldn’t bring himself to do so as he leaned against the kitchen counter and listened to the sounds of her moans as if they were stuck on repeat in his memory.

  “Damn it.” He whispered, feeling the tingles shoot down his spine as he envisioned her face in his mind’s eye. He could remember, all too well, what Natalie looked like. Those light colored eyes and full lips. He wanted to hate her. He wanted to loathe her just as he had only a few short months ago....but that wasn’t happening.

  How could he hate the woman who saved his niece’s life? How could he muster another ounce of disdain for the woman who’d had her life stripped away to do what Urseth wanted? Oh yes, he knew that story now. Presley had shared many stories with him since she started dreaming of Liam Bamey. He knew what price Pierce Carroll paid, and Natalie’s wasn’t any cheaper.

  Releasing a low breath, he stretched his legs out and frowned. He didn’t want to be attracted to Natalie. He’d chosen Meredith over her and he’d shattered the girl’s heart in the process.

  Yet Meredith would still be alive had I only done what I was meant to, he reminded himself bitterly. He really was stubborn. Natalie was right about that, but he was too stubborn to admit it.

  A shrill rang filled the air then and he lifted his head in the direction of the telephone. It was probably Richard calling. Good. He needed someone to keep him occupied. If he didn’t find a distraction soon, he’d be forced to venture into the woods to trail that blasted woman.....and that would have disastrous consequences.

  “Y’ello,” he said as he picked up the receiver.

  “I thought you were coming over,” Richard Bamey said on the other end. “Presley and Louisa will be here soon and I need to have that tree up before then. Don’t back out on me now, Goult.”

  “Well, I might need a ride.” Arnold replied in a gruff voice.

  “Where’s Natalie? Why can’t she bring you?”

  “That’s a long story,” he muttered with a roll of his useless eyes. “Can you come get me or not?”

  “Yeah, I reckon I can. I’ll have to borrow Lorcan’s car, but that ain’t gonna be a problem. Just sit tight.”

  “Oh yeah..I’ll do that.” Arnold shook his head as he hung up the phone and groaned. Wiping his hand down the length of his face, he decided he needed to wash it, sterilize it, and maybe set it on fire. He couldn’t handle smelling her delicious scent for another second.

  She smelled good enough to eat and if Arnold wasn’t careful, he
’d gorge himself on Natalie Carroll.


  “If you touch another present beneath that tree I promise I’m going to bite your fingers off.” Dimitri called from the kitchen as he slammed the freezer door and tossed a bag of pizza rolls onto the counter.

  “But I didn’t!” Rutley insisted with a huff as he collapsed against the couch and lifted his feet to rest on the coffee table. Sheesh. Dimitri was paranoid. Why on earth would he ever think Rutley was the type to open Christmas presents early?

  Oh. Right. They had agreed to get each other one present and Rutley had discovered a brand new one beneath the small tree just this morning. It was small, but the wrapping paper was pretty. Bright green wrapping paper glittered when the sunlight flooded the room, and that red bow was extremely tempting to rip to shreds. Maybe he would do it with his claws.....

  “Do you want something to eat?” Dimitri asked as he pressed a few buttons on the microwave.

  “I could go for something,” Rutley replied as he closed his eyes and sighed. “Do we have any PB&J?”

  “You did the grocery shopping last time. You would know.”

  Groaning, he pushed himself up from the couch and trudged into the kitchen, leaning against the counter as he raked his fingers through his ridiculously shaggy blonde hair, “But that requires movement. I thought today was going to be a lazy day.”

  Dimitri glanced up from the glass of chocolate milk he was making, giving him a crooked smile. “You thought wrong. We’re going over to the Bamey’s house to help with the tree, remember?”

  Rutley winced. “I think I forgot.”

  Not true. He hadn’t forgotten. In fact, he rarely forgot anything. Christmas was only a week away and there was so much that everyone wanted to do before then. Mrs. Bamey had already made it quite clear she expected all of them to be there for her infamous dinner-which he loved, by the way-but how was she going to fit thirty something people into that house?